Tiffen 4 x 5.65″ Black Satin 2 Filter


The Tiffen 4 x 5.65″ 1 Tobacco Soft-Edge Graduated Filter (Horizontal Orientation) helps to specifically add a warm, brownish-yellow coloration to skies and other bright areas of an image.


The Tiffen 4 x 5.65″ Black Satin 2 Filter can be applied to purposely reduce the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles while providing an intentional warming effect with granularity over an entire image.

This can be useful for creating a more flattering result of a subject while highlights are softened, contrast is reduced, and textures are given a smoother appearance. Additionally, halations around highlights are created which can further enhance a subject’s appearance or produce a desired effect while overall sharpness is maintained.



  • Reduces Subject Blemishes and Wrinkles
  • Softens Contrast
  • Softens Highlights
  • Halation Effect on Highlights
  • Smoother Appearance of Textures
  • Provides Warming Effect and Granularity
  • Maintains Overall Sharpness
  • Water White Glass Construction
  • ColorCore Technology
  • Padded Pouch

